As an operator of a golf course you possibly know following problem.
During the game, the strokes are noted on the scorecard, but rarely the player knows, how many Stableford points he scores. Thus the player has a bad orientation and slows down the game, as he plays holes beyond “0” points.
Our dynamic online scorecard is the practical solution. All you need is to place a link on your web site (by your web master). The software runs on our server and we maintain it there.
Function: The player only needs to input his gender and handicap. Our system calculates - under consideration of course rating and slope - his local handicap and scorecard, showing the local Stableford strokes - tournament conditions so to say.
After the game the player can input his strokes online and have his new handicap calculated, so he receives a picture of his skills - even without tournament.
Advantages: Thanks to the possibility of selecting different languages and units (meters or yards) also foreign guest players will feel comfortable on your course.
Since your customers can print out their own personal scorecard, you don't only save paper, but the players get a better orientation and can play more fluent and quick on your course. This additional value leads your players more frequently to your web page and thereby draws more attention to your current actions and offers.
If you are interested, please contact us.
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