Your visitors and customers can search your web site for poducts, key words, or even article codes - returning results from also PDF-, DOC-, Excel, Powerpoint- and Flash documents. |
All search requests are logged. You receive a statistik, so you can see at a glance, which are your visitors' main issues and where you can improve content on your website. |
We analyse your web site and develop a search mask with identical design. All you have to do is link it on your web site - that's all. All components, such as data base, search script and template run on our server and are maintained there. |
No advertising, no pop-ups, no long waiting for the search result. Thus your visitors and customers are guided fast and surely to the goal. Check out the Test Search. |
Other customers who have decided for an own search engine with Zoom-Engine inside:
Please check our offers (details under Rates and Features) and in case of interest drop us an Email:  |