Give your guests the opportunity to see your daily menu card on their job PC.
For this your guests need only an internet address (link). Thanks to the presence of your menu card at your customers' working desks, you can obtain a higher customer retention. And as you don't need to distribute new menus day by day, you can supply these to larger areas and thus increase your catchment area.
For maintenance of your menu cards in the system, you neither need special PC knowledge, nor must a software be installed. A simple PC with internet access will do.
You can daily specify an unlimited number of dishes, up to 1 month preplanable.
The dishes can optionally go with photos.
Single dishes, daily menus or whole week plans can be stored and copied.
Subsidized guests can receive a different link with adjusted prices.
Your guests can give marks to the dishes afterwards, these are visible for you only.
The anonymous suggestion box provides honest feedback to you.
Optionally dishes can be filtered due to eating habits (e.g. diabetic, vegetarian, kosher).
Optionally dishes can be booked in advance.
What feature do you desired ? Also we need feedback.
If you are interested, please contact us.
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