From various web pages in the internet you know the possibility of finding subsidiaries, branch offices, etc. after input of your postal code. Usually you get branches listed with the zip codes, which are numerical closest to your zip code. Or you get all branches listed, which begin with the same number. In the worst case you receive the answer 'no match', as the system searched for only your exact zip code.
In contrast, we created a zip search engine, returning the branches which are geographically closest to your zip code, sorted by distance. This is the only way to assure maximum benefit for your visitors and to avoid them going to the competitor.
Even more, we analyze the zip codes entered by the visitors, together with the returned results. Thus you receive an area analysis of your branch offices or agencies, helping you to set priorities.
That is interesting not only for branches, but for every larger address list, e.g. sales representatives, reference projects, fairs, etc.
We analyze your web page and develop a zip code search mask with identical design. All you have to do is place a link on your website. All components, such as data base, search script and template run on our server and are maintained there.
No advertising, no pop-ups, no long waiting for the search result. Thus your visitors and customers are guided fast and surely to the goal.
Please check our offers (details under Rates and Features) and in case of interest drop us an
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